Commissions open! Art trades- Maybe. You now find yourself at the mouth of the lair of this monster maker & traditional horror artist! You'll find none of that AI crap on my page. I WILL eat you for breakfast.

Planet Thundera

Joined on 11/8/20

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Vampyvern's News

Posted by Vampyvern - 1 month ago

This could go without saying but my activity in online social spaces like this has noticeably declined lately. I'm still here and not going anywhere, I'm just behind is all and I have my reasons. I'm aiming to change that and upload more art in general later, but I've got a lot I need to take care of first (including convalescing more from a previous ribcage injury)

First: I was pleasantly surprised to see my yokai illustration being featured in something new called Takeover Tuesday back on February 4th :) I want to extend a thank you to @jimmythecaterpillar for submitting my artwork to the event and bringing some much needed spotlight boost to my page! I'm both appreciative and delighted you enjoy my art as well as chose to share one of my favorite pieces to present!

Secondly: I know it's around two weeks late but Happy New Lunar Year of one of my favorite animals, the Snake, to all who celebrate!

I know it's starting off real rough but snakes have always been incredibly special/important to me and is an animal that I (and others who know me) strongly associate with myself. So, here's to the year improving soon and turning over a few new leaves 🐍 I could really use a decent year of breathing room and positive readjustment after 2024 folded me like origami and put me through the wringer trying to powderize me.

As always, you can support me in other places around the web and via my Ko-Fi as well! I do sketch requests of monsters/animals/characters for anyone who donates as long as they message me what they'd like to see and read my rules/terms.

Until next time!


Posted by Vampyvern - August 20th, 2024

I really just wanted to update my journal because the old entry was over a year ago. I already said at the start of me coming here this isn't my active posting place anyway but it's time for my annual (but infrequent) "What's going on" post where I post about my life....and what goes on in it.

Reminder, I'm a real person and not a robot so I don't take kindly to people who are insensitive/dismissive and tries to minimize when someone is only expressing themselves as a genuine human being- not some clown or overly machismo tough guy.

The good:

βœ”οΈ Went to Japan for the first time. Amazing experience, would go again in the distant future.

βœ”οΈ Started a Youtube hobby channel, both out of passion and to learn how to edit videos.

βœ”οΈ Got a few large commissions earlier this year and two people ended up tattooing said commission on their body with my permission. That was neat and felt like some kind of milestone.

βœ”οΈ Went to a fan convention for the first time since 2018. (It was okay but it was very telling at how a lot has changed and not all for the better)

βœ”οΈ Got into a couple of series and games that I'm invested in, some more than others.

βœ”οΈ Made my first ever 'true' Pathfinder character and should start my first game here soon. (Had a lot of unsuccessful play attempts in the past, but now, this one looks to be about as promising as it can get)

βœ”οΈ Had my first win on Art Fight (Felt nice since I just so happened to be on a losing team since 2022)

The Bad:

❌ This year has been heavy handed on the death tolls, both in my life and other areas regarding my interests. Had a death in my family back in June that really hit me and my spouse ultra hard. I haven't exactly been the same since and it's affected us deeply. It's been shown that trauma can rewire the brain and as a result you can emotionally & physically function differently after that, and well, yeah, I know from experience. In addition, I had another personal circle death back in April- but that one wasn't as bad or haunting as the one in June. In a way, it gets easier as time goes on, even if at one point time felt like it stopped completely (and showed resistance of moving on). I've learned a lot from that experience and It's going to be okay, but it's going to be different.

❌ Things, especially art things, have been much slower business wise and have hit record slow pace. It's cut into my ability to draw personally but Getting some more work my way would certainly improve things as art is my only income.

❌ Mental health/Anxiety, stress amounts and energy levels have not been optimal since June due to the heavy loss and the rest of everything piling onto it out of my control isn't helping. June's toll on me also caused me to rethink some things and put some others into perspective, not all of them pleasant.

❌ As well as myself not being in the best of places, several friends are also going through some fairly rough patches alongside me. The current zeitgeist of the world also sucks with everything seeming like a popularity contest. All the above doesn't help my previous postulate either. I am massively tired and I am massively tired of people talking to or over one another and not "with" one another.

❌There's been a few more things happen since our move from last year that qualify as 'negatives', but I don't want to make those public currently.

In a way, things register as eerily neutral- where I can't tell if the bad or good is outweighing the other. That said, I truly am trying my best to find 'my new normal' in life right now in the face of it all- including wanting to continue making merch and aiming to vend at art festivals as well as my other ambitions. Ever since June, I just have not been able to draw like I've wanted to and really put forth the creative efforts like I know I'm capable of. It's not a race nor a competition, but I have my own personal goals keeping me going and it makes me feel better when I actually do work towards it and gain progress. I'm obviously still drawing and taking commissions, just not at the rate I was before that loss in the family and my energy bottomed out. I *might* do another art challenge before the year ends (I considered starting Smaugust but tbh, even if it is the Year of the Dragon, I just had too many things on my mind to see its completion this year)

If I were to give this year a letter grade so far, it's roughly a steaming D- or a high F.

That's pretty much all I've got for right now- Until next time.

I have a whole gallery here on NG to keep viewers busy until then, and if you've already browsed it- consider following me on my other accounts/pages for more artwork and exclusive posts that you haven't seen.

You can support my work further here and follow me on other places here.

Posted by Vampyvern - September 29th, 2023

I've been meaning to make a new post to retire my older, now-irrelevant Birthday entry... and now I have even more a reason to do so! It looks like I just hit 50 followers & fans here! I joined in 2020, so I'm well overdue and it took too much time if you ask me. I tend to grow pretty slowly on most social media places due to not participating in big trends and making it a point to mainly interact with folks who want to make genuine connections beyond me just posting art- I don't really do Follow for follow or the Art Mutual thing because I've been burnt/ghosted way too many times- it feels manipulative. That, and the art community....has gotten a hell of a lot worse and more snobby/cutthroat since the pandemic.

While it's not the biggest and I do believe my nice art deserves way more, here on my page, I celebrate victories of all sizes and it's a milestone! While I may not post THAT much here, I do want to extend thanks to the people following me on this site as well as those that have stuck by me for this long (and intend to keep doing so) plus actually enjoy my artwork! :) I got more to share, so keep your eyes on me! If you're new to my profile, well, I got a huge gallery you can browse and favorite a couple of my things now you're here. I have plenty to keep folks busy until I'm ready to post the new stuff. If for some reason that isn't enough, then you are more than encouraged to follow me on my other places and browse the plethora of other things I don't post here! (Or Kofi/Commission me for your own art. That's even better.)

Here is a Master list of all my links in case you want to take me up on my offer to check out my other places and help this small artist further! I'd be thankful if you did!



Posted by Vampyvern - July 19th, 2023

My birthday!


(I actually had a few other funny birthday related images to include but I can't edit image sizes right now, so I'm just going to leave it at this one I found on google haha)

Support me on Ko-Fi and please follow my other Socials if you enjoy my art! I'd greatly appreciate it and it'd be a much wanted birthday present!

(It's free and a nice thing to do)



Posted by Vampyvern - July 1st, 2023

Posting this update to show I'm not dead, just undead.

Which is a decent transition into saying I'm doing ArtFight again this year.

This time it has the best theme! Really wanting my team to win this year since I'm the Vampire Queen. (No seriously, it's one of my nicknames)

Please follow me on ArtFight if you got one!

(My birthday is also later this month, so maybe that can influence you to attack/gift me then!)

Support me on Ko-Fi and my other socials! I'd really appreciate it!


Posted by Vampyvern - May 5th, 2023

If you remember from my last journal post- I briefly mentioned I might have some good news. Well, it turned up in good favor because I'm moving out of my stomping grounds and into fresh territory! I've been waiting for this all my life and it's about time for a change of scenery and a new start on new opportunities. I'm not going to reveal my EXACT location, but I will open up a friendly preview and say: If anyone is in or around the Virginia/North Carolina area in my follower list, feel free to fill me in on some cool places & events to check out and where I can possibly peddle my wares at. I've already made a list of events I'd like to try to vend at as an artist, so suggesting something I may already have a pin in wouldn't hurt. Anime conventions, art festivals, niche expos- anything that would accept a traditional ink artist & monster maker. I'd greatly appreciate it. Personal work is at a slower pace, but paid work will get faster, more immediate attention.

Also, as a reminder, you can visit my site: https://darkartsanna.carrd.co/ for a list of my other links you can follow me on. You can also further support me and my art by commissioning me or donating to my Ko-Fi. I maybe moving, but falsely assuming that I won't have time for commissions or work is wrong indeed. I always prioritize time for commissions and important stuff like that, even if the sky is falling and showering cataclysmic meteors. Don't be nice about it- give me work today!

EDIT:// Trying my hand at the Collabinator on this site- read my post here about it.

Posted by Vampyvern - March 31st, 2023

I don't know who genuinely reads these things but It's been a while since my last post, and I did Monster March (Again. But this time I actually finished it). I had the intent to stay away from prompts this year, but I figured at least one wouldn't hurt- especially to try and attract new interested eyes to my art. It had mixed results, but while my creativity and confidence is immortal, the truth is I've been in something of an art slump lately. It's all a mix - trying to earn more commissions and do more with myself, a slight pang of discouragement (mainly from how the art community has rotted, how a lot of people treat artists and each other in general, and social media is just getting worse and more selfish/narcissistic), and having a bit of a low cup myself personally. I don't really need an ego boost, I got the confidence already, but it'd be nice if my reach/business improved. I'm far from a sellout and a paywall, but I am the kind of person that does take notice/care for return and at least equal exchange to a degree. I do what I want, when I want, and on my own terms- and art is what I do. I chose to do this prompt myself and I didn't get paid to do it, but my art might go slower for a while simply because I feel like I'm doing too much free stuff and the return on it is getting shorter. By return, it's all encompassing for my art- The reception, comments, circulation, engagement, interest, etc. has decreased or stagnated depending where you look. My art is too good to be this underappreciated. I have a few loyal supporters that keep coming back and they make it worth it. I thank anyone who supports my artwork, whether monetarily or by following. It's very hard to feel motivated or appreciated right now, but those supporters are only one reason to keep going. It's not a good feeling when I feel like I'm doing too much free stuff- especially with theft and selfishness on the rise. I'm not a bot, so When a creator gets less engagement or business, they slow down on interaction and what they give out. Go figure. It sucks to put in so much time and effort into a drawing only for it to be vastly underappreciated- this is nothing new. I'm stuck in between 'its pointless to put in effort into something and not show it' and 'don't do so much hyper detailed art until things change.' I understand this creates something of an echo chamber, which I absolutely hate, but I wanted to get this off my chest- I'm not saying this to make anyone feel worse. but I'm continuing to focus on my work and put in the effort and that certainly won't stop my free content. However, with things getting harder and trying to push myself and feeling like I'm just spinning my wheels, I need to put it out there for posterity (especially before the dreaded Fool's day) because I like to be real. There maybe somethings improving here soon, but it would be nice if it sped up and got here now.

Anyway, back to my art before someone wrongly thinks I'm bellyaching or being pushy: I'm not going to post every submission here so If you want to see the complete collection, please check my Twitter. I did 30 yokai (would have been 31 but I accidentally deleted one) and they're a mix of pencil and ink. What I did submit, you can check my gallery for.

As always- If you enjoy my art, consider supporting me further by commissioning me or donating to my Ko-Fi and/or giving my pages a follow here. Business and traction is going real slow so it'd help me a ton- I'd appreciate it.

Posted by Vampyvern - January 22nd, 2023

The Lunar New Year has arrived. While the 2022 Tiger Year was wild, eventful and not the best year on record for the world- I got several things off the ground, reconnected with a few people, and also made something of a record in profits from commissions too! It was expected a small handful of things didn't work out but for me, on a personal level, it was an alright year. I sadly wave goodbye to my Tiger and have to accept that it's the Rabbit's turn now. I'm not into bunnies or whatever at all, but a lot of people that I care about are. I'm not going to ruin their fun so Don't let anyone ever tell you I'm not nice or considerate lol (Really what I'm doing is letting everyone have fun with the Rabbit and then I step back in to take over for the Dragon and Snake Years coming up!)

Hopping in, the rabbit stands for the idea of being more active and healthy, both mentally and physically. It's supposed to be a year for career and financial growth as well as to polish up on friendships and be more communicative. The rabbit in the zodiac is one of the most social and amiable signs, so given last year's mess on the world, or rather past 5 years, this can only go up from here, right? (Right?)

Here's some relevant art to kick off this Lunar New Year of the Black Water Rabbit. I felt like it was out of my comfort zone, but if anything it's a goth bunny. If you're new here, be sure to browse the rest of my gallery and give me a follow if you like my stuff.

Don't forget to visit my official website and other links here:


Posted by Vampyvern - December 20th, 2022

I haven't uploaded a new entry since July and no art since September. I'm not a quiet person at all but I haven't felt much the need for updating. I forgot to update my NG when the Twitter meltdown happened, but honestly with that on top of the artist community reminding me that it can be discouraging as well as some life complications- I wish I was in a better mood with this update but I have an official site now, plus a Carrd.



You can also find these links at any time in my Links section over in the side bar (Left side on PC under the avatar picture)

I'd really like others to tell me what they think of my sites- how they look, easiness of navigation, etc. Stuff like that.

I don't really expect many people to answer this, even though it would be great since it's gone unanswered more times than I've asked it on a bunch of different platforms. I don't think it's too much to ask.

It would help me a ton, especially since Twitter is trying to implement some garbage policy that I suspect will either be reversed or not enforced at all where they don't allow promotion of other social accounts. That's definitely a variety of oppression if I've ever seen it and I'm not for it so support me on literally every platform you can.


Posted by Vampyvern - July 22nd, 2022

We all have those days where something happens to you that you feel you need to make yourself clear(er) on, even if you feel like it can go unsaid. Today is one of those days. I wish this could be shorter- but for my sake, I will be as thorough as possible.

I don't mind working with other creatives. If you are a creative, it's generally a good idea to interact in some event or project with others at some point. It looks good and feels good. I won't always work with everyone though. It's expected I take more time and involvement into my own projects, but I can enjoy working with others who may present a promising proposal to me. I am open to most project types, so all you have to do is ask me and we will see where it goes. (Except for AI Collaboration, NFT or any cryptocurrency project. I will automatically deny permission so don't ask.) I'm a very ambitious person, and if you think you have a place for me in a project you want to do- It all starts with you asking me a simple, friendly question. I can do all sorts of things: artwork, writing, marketing, translation, etc. and am willing to help or advise you if you ask for it- I'm always ready to make a deal. I typically enjoy a nice collaboration or art trade, and almost always a commission. If we are friends and you give me a role/cameo in your project, I am more likely to be further invested in said venture.

Here is where I have a problem:

If I make art for you, a commission, trade or otherwise- absolutely do NOT make merch of my art without my permission first.

If you invest your own money in one product with my art featured for your own personal use and get my permission, such as a T-shirt or a card proxy, that's your choice. I usually don't have a problem with it as long as you give me simple noticeable credit or pay me a small fee. (With the exception being I will never allow my own OCs on a shirt) Running with the T-shirt example: If you get a single T-Shirt to wear made with my art on it that you personally got from me with permission (like a commission. NOT something you plucked from my media collection or gallery) not a problem. What I do NOT authorize is you making more t-shirts to sell with my art on it for profit. At that point, you are cheating me if you do not include a percentage or otherwise for me and you are hoarding profits.

βœ… Acceptable interaction:

Them: "Awesome shirt! Where'd you get it?"

You: "This shirt is not for sale. The original artist is Vampyvern (Byinkko), check them out. If you like what you see, check out my project it relates to here."

(In this scenario, you are giving me credit and also boosting your own project. Win-Win.)

The art I give you in an exchange is yours but that does not mean you can do anything and everything with it. Here's a concise breakdown of my policy.

  • Intellectual property rights and copyright laws exist- you are not above them.
  • Do not resell my art for your own profit.
  • Do not reproduce my artwork for your own gain or benefit unless we have a discussion regarding it first.
  • Do not use my artwork in campaigns or other efforts without my permission. This could possibly cause damage, miscommunication and misrepresentation.
  • It is not that hard to contact me- I have several ways you can get in touch. I am fairly active on several platforms and am a communication heavy person. Claiming you did not know how or couldn't do so is lazy and unprofessional (More often than not it shows you never had the intention to do so anyway).
  • If you make art for me- that does not mean you have automatic authorization to post it. Just because you made it, doesn't mean the other person is okay with it being posted. You should ALWAYS make sure the other person is alright with where you post. Sometimes, I like private trades with friends and would like the artwork to stay between us, especially if it is a personal character of mine that I am particularly close to. If you make art for me that I commissioned/traded with you and I'm fine with you posting it, you should credit me all the way. You don't get to credit me once and think your duty is done. No. If you publicly share it, use it in an 'art share', or use it on a forum or whatever- I fully expect you to say something curt and short like "Character belongs to Vampyvern/Byinkko".(At that point, you might need to edit the image with a small caption of text that says the very thing I just mentioned so you don't have to say so all the time.) If you are not willing to do this commitment, you might not need to work with me. I do it with everyone, so I expect the same treatment. I hate when someone shares art they made for me with no mention of me- they get all the focus and no mention of the one who actually inspired them to do it! That stinks hard and makes me want to work with that person less. Don't just drop art relating to me and run. Rude!
  • It's alright if I am considered an inspiration to you, but do not trace/copy my artwork or designs. I witness too many thieves now who claim to use an artist as 'inspiration' but they flat out copy/trace/steal ideas from said artist and as expected- they seldom receive proper credit. It's concerning and unoriginal. I have my own guidelines to determine if something is a trace or copy- but If you use my art or a certain piece as an inspiration or reference, I'd appreciate a small mention and credit somewhere! In fact, if I'm being used as your creative model- I'd like to see what I inspired you to make. I don't exactly want to make enemies- but I do believe in etiquette.
  • Regarding Art Trades- I do love a good art trade, and most of what I said above applies here too. Give me credit where credit is due, don't post/use without my permission and we will be ok. Do not ask for updates on my progress unless you are willing to give me the same answers. The only new thing to be aware of is if you do not complete your half on time or at all, I will refrain from giving you any completed art on my behalf and will ask you to pay for the finished product if you still want it. If I cannot finish your trade on time or at all, I will notify you and give you what I have already completed. If you wish to reschedule, just maintain proper communication and you'll find I'm rather flexible and agreeable.

That should all be in Creative Knowledge Lesson 101 or common sense but to some people, that is not the case. My art is not your product to sell.

In addition to this, it is not my responsibility to keep up with your projects I have artwork or energy tied to. (Now, as an artist involved- I have a duty to update the client in a timely fashion. It is not recommended the client hound me with questions or expect updates everyday.) I might ask once or twice on my own time unprompted, but do not expect me to watch you like a hawk or hound you with questions. As the project's driver- It is your duty to update all involved but there is no strict time schedule to how one should operate. It is not mine to chase anyone down. I want to know where my work is going and if it makes it to the goal you started- it gets mentally exhausting to always wonder. If we are friends, I treat these things a bit differently- but even then, we all prioritize our own time our own ways. Word of advice: It's generally good to update your friends/audience about your project's status every once in a while- even if you have one other person interested.

In my case here- I handed a commission over to someone with the mentioned prospect of my art turning into merch (with quick mention of percent cuts to be discussed later) and heard absolutely nothing from them for a whole year and several months. It was through my assumption and observation that their project was either halted or just going at a snail's pace. I asked & wondered for updates a time or two, but nothing certain enough that excited me enough to ask again. We weren't friends, so I didn't dedicate much energy to it or push for much more. Life and time is always a circumstance, so you never know exactly when these things will come up. Their message completely caught me off guard since it had been an entire year I heard anything at all, and this appears resolved before anything worse came of it. They claim the artwork will remain off their store and nothing else will be printed of it, so Lets hope it stays that way.

I am making this announcement for posterity on my part- as I think I need to have a policy public. The amount of projects I have worked with others and it fall through for me over the years are greatly outweighing the projects that have succeeded. It's not a good feeling and is incredibly unfulfilling. Sadly, this is not the first time it has happened and it probably won't be the last- but I can damn sure try to make it be. This is one reason I chiefly prefer to do things myself. However, I do like working with opportunities that can provide beneficial growth or even connections too. That's how you make a living and stay living, you know? I give out a lot of free content, so I'd strongly appreciate to be respected and and treated fairly- abusing and misinterpreting my content is quite discouraging. It is for any artist or creator.

The commissioned piece will remain in my gallery but I will not engage contact with the owner unless this escalates further. Any other updates, I'll include later. I don't expect it to nor want it to, so this is here for total clarity.

Do not commission/collaborate/trade with me if you intend to commercialize, sell & market my artwork for your own gain and not keep track of percentages/cuts or not give proper credit. This also includes not using ANY of my artwork in my galleries without permission. Be able to keep up with and review the details of whatever deal we strike- it isn't cool when terms change because someone has been misled, intentionally or not. Be sure both sides understand completely. Time passing does not make things easier.

There is no TL;DR for this. It's on you to understand and read my policy. I am not responsible for you seeing/reading something you did not like with the information present.

