The color swapped variant isn't bad but I prefer her original green version. Neat to see what became of the background I suggested too and I also like the magic serpent 👍
The color swapped variant isn't bad but I prefer her original green version. Neat to see what became of the background I suggested too and I also like the magic serpent 👍
Yeah, dunno if I’ll ever do the color swap again. Still made for good contrast though.
Thanks for your input on the background :)
Finally! About time more Bloody Roar art crops up in the world- And Pixel at that! And it isn't even my birthday yet- Awesome! Love this series.
Myotismon, my beloved :) I never see much fanart of my favorite Digimon in the first place so it was a treat to see it today.
Missed opportunity to upload it on his birthday but it's today :)
Glad he got as many portraits done over there as he did!
I read your reply to my comment on ArtFight. Not sure if you read my private message at all on ArtFight but:
I'm still not sure what that blue is under his tail, and he doesn't really collect gold but he does have a few golden items in his hoard.
Also Thanks for linking back plus tagging!
I like the angle here! It's unsettling and almost liminal! I'm also quite fond of the blood stretching between the claws.
Thank you! It looking like a liminal space wasn't even intentional, but I definitely see it now.
It's my villainous dragon OC out to lunch and on a fiery errand! For your first 'official' art trade, you did overall fine! Thanks!
NGL I actually really only like Space Gojira mainly for the design- the plot of the movie is subpar at best. However, to be truthful- I don't watch Godzilla movies for plot, I watch them for big monster action! :) Your Space Gojira looks different, but still cool. The crystal teeth are *chef's kiss*!
EXACTLY , i always have to specify with non-kaiju fans that Godzilla films have to be rated in their own category. and Thanks! I felt like besides the shoulders and tail there were a significant lack of crystals :p
I would take Destroyah out to a candle lit dinner. Nice pose!
Thanks again! It was a challenge to pose him without immediately thinking of Devil so i have him the big ol side eye X)
Of course Big-G is the Emperor! Love the style (again) and I'm looking forward to checking out your stuff more.
I am a huge fan of ancient medieval manuscript paintings or old engraving & woodcut quality art. This gives me the same vibe. If that was what you were going for, you really nailed it.
That's exactly I was going for. His costume is model after early iterations of plague doctor outfits from either the 16th or 17th century. The sources from where I founds these references includes illustrations from that time period and photographs taken from the German museum of medical history in Ingolstadt. Another fun fact. I name him after Hieronymus bosch, a favorite artist of mine :)
Commissions open! Art trades- Maybe. You now find yourself at the mouth of the lair of this monster maker & traditional horror artist! You'll find none of that AI crap on my page. I WILL eat you for breakfast.
Planet Thundera
Joined on 11/8/20