UPDATE 03/10/2022- Monster March is still live, only temporarily delayed. I'm prepping for a costume convention we got invited to last minute, so I'm shifting focus right now! Go look at all the monsters I have posted in the mean time until I resume track!
UPDATE #2 03/17/2022- Getting in the swing to begin resuming Monster March. Thanks for your patience!
UPDATE #3- I am unable to continue Monster March. This is unfortunate as I normally complete prompts, so it bugs me. My next prompt will be in November!
I know a lot is going on in the world right now, and while it may not seem like the best time to start an art prompt- this was a choice I made since last year to do and I have been waiting months to start it. I am not tone deaf to the world crisis at hand- I will include some links at the end of this post for you to check out if you care to help the Ukranian tragedy. I have a friend over there I want to see thrive and survive.
Anyway, I would like to quickly announce that I am starting a new prompt - Monster March! A month long prompt focusing on the creation of me catapulting more monsters into the world! How fun! I heard your cries and pleas for more art and monster action, so Tune in everyday for a new monster! Some will have lore, others won't but that's part of the fun you know?
Here are the links I promised earlier to direct you to helping Ukraine: